
Plexr World Trainer

Samira Mehdiyeva

In 2017 Samira Mehdiyeva was accepted as a member of the International Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (GMV Academy-Italy), for her achievements and innovations in the field of non-surgical blepharoplasty, she was awarded the GMV Academy certificate in the “Result of the Year” nomination. Also, she is a winner in many nominations in Russia, Italy and Azerbaijan.

Plexr World Trainer

Who is Samira Mehdiyeva?

In 2017 Samira Mehdiyeva was accepted as a member of the International Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (GMV Academy-Italy), for her achievements and innovations in the field of non-surgical blepharoplasty, she was awarded the GMV Academy certificate in the “Result of the Year” nomination. Also, she is also a winner in many nominations in Russia, Italy and Azerbaijan.

Currently she is the director of the Center for Aesthetic Medicine Medup Clinic. She is also an Official Trainer at Mesa Group LLC and a World Plexr Trainer. Samira Mehdiyeva is considered one of the world’s leading Plexr experts. She has performed over 12,000 successful procedures. Participated in more than 60 international conferences, seminars, advanced training courses and aesthetic medicine, mainly in Spain, Italy, Germany, France and Russia.

For the first time in Azerbaijan: Non-surgical rhinoplasty with Plexr

What is Plexr and what problems does it treat?

TOP 5 procedures performed with Plexr

Samira Mehdiyeva

Conferences and Awards

S. Mehdiyeva became the winner of the “Gold Standard” in the field of non-surgical aesthetics of the eyelids at the IV International Azerbaijan Congress on Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Medicine, organized in Baku with the participation of private medical institutions in Azerbaijan. Mrs. Samira was invited to a number of events in aesthetic medicine in the country and abroad and was awarded various prizes.

Samira Mehdiyeva


Get rid of problems with Plexr


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Nose reduction with Plexr

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Dəri Elastozu

Skin elastosis

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All types of benign formations

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Full Face

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Post acne

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Correction of the genital area, large and small labia

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Lip fibrosis and lip reduction

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Tattoo, colored tattoos

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Procedure results

Before and After

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Samira Mehdiyeva

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Frequently Asked Questions

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The Plexr is a patented Italian-made medical device based on natural plasma technology. With the Plexr machine, the procedure is performed using plasma generated by high energy nitrogen gas and water vapor in the process zone. It acts on our skin through the resulting ions and ensures its renewal.

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether there are traces after the procedure? As with all medical, surgical, and non-surgical treatments, there will be some redness in the treated area after the recovery period, which is part of the skin renewal process, and will fade over time. That is, the procedures have no contraindications and traces. When using the original device, the correct procedure and proper care after the procedure, redness and age spots are excluded.

The rehabilitation period of Plexr procedures (non-surgical blepharoplasty, nose reduction, full face, post-acne, etc.) varies from 7 to 14 days. The reason for the duration from 7 to 14 days is that during the procedure, point touches are carried out with the Plexr device, after which there is peeling on the skin, and it completely disappears within 7-14 days.

One of the most frequently asked questions about non-surgical blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty procedures with Plexr is how long does the procedure effect last? The effect of a nose reduction procedure lasts a lifetime, while the effect of non-surgical blepharoplasty varies from 5 to 7 years due to natural aging.

In total, Plexr can perform over 50 treatments. However, in the field of cosmetology and dermatology, we perform procedures to remove moles, papillomas, wen, xentalasma, age spots, freckles, scars, wrinkles, etc.

At the request of the patient, this procedure can be done in the summer months, but it requires responsibility. Since the sun’s rays are active, it is very likely that the erythema will persist for 5-6 months if not protected. To do this, protect the area treated with the Plexr from sunlight. There will be no problems if you do not expose yourself to the sun and protect the skin with SPF products.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is the surgical or non-surgical removal of excess skin using Plexr. There are many positive aspects to using Plexr. When using it, there are no such side effects as cuts, anesthesia, bleeding and postoperative scars. The recovery period is also short. However, it should be noted that when using the Plexr device, the results obtained in 1 surgical session in some patients may be obtained after 2 or 3 times of use. Plexr is not a substitute for surgery, it is simply an alternative non-invasive method and technology designed to make the job of surgeons easier.

There are no standard age limits for these procedures. However, doctors recommend nose reduction at the age of 18 years and non-surgical blepharoplasty at 40-45 years of age.

Plexr is manufactured by the Italian company GMV, has a patented trademark, is approved by the FDA and is used by dermatologists and plastic surgeons in more than 60 countries around the world. Unfortunately, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there are many non-original cheap technologies that use the name of this device.

There are 2 models of the original device: Plexr Pro, Plexr Plus (the Plexr Cubo model was also available earlier). When trying to perform the procedure, in order to confirm the authenticity of the device, first of all, it is necessary to clarify the design of the device (the official distributor of Mesa Group LLC), check the user certificate (confirmed and submitted by the Official distributor of Mesa Group LLC).

Useful information about procedures

Useful informations

Get useful information about our Plexr procedures

Nose reduction with Plexr

The nose reduction procedure is performed by Dr. Samira Mehdiyeva without surgical intervention using her own